Our Approach


Shared Safety follows a collective impact model. According to the change theory of collective impact, “The complex nature of most social problems belies the idea that any single program or organization, however well managed and funded, can single-handedly create lasting large-scale change.” Coordinating Philadelphia’s health and human service efforts to identify underlying trauma related to domestic violence will expand our capacity to protect and serve our community, and change the social norms that perpetuate violence.


A Coordinating Council meets bimonthly to set overall policy and serves as a forum for ongoing discussion. Its membership includes public and nonprofit sector leadership, representatives from member organizations and topical experts. The council is co-chaired by leaders from The Office of Domestic Violence Strategies, WOAR Philadelphia Center Against Sexual Violence and African Family Health Organization (AFAHO). Short term projects are developed by working groups.

The work of Shared Safety is supported by the Communications subcommittee. They are responsible for establishing processes and infrastructure to enable all member agencies to share information, data, and resources that will contribute to the success of Shared Safety.

If your organization is interested in joining Shared Safety, please contact: info@sharedsafetyphila.org.